Shafaq News / President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, affirmed on Sunday that the region will become stronger, emphasizing his refusal to compromise on "constitutional rights."

In a tweet he posted in the evening, he stated that the courageous stance of patriots on one hand and the betrayal of those who sell out their homeland on the other will be recorded in history. He added, "We assure everyone that the Kurdistan Region will become stronger, and we will not relinquish our constitutional rights."

Earlier today, the Kurdistan Democratic Party announced its acceptance of the ratification of the federal budget for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025, and confirmed the foiling of what they referred to as the "intervention plot" in the Kurdistan Region. The party also expressed gratitude to its parliamentary bloc within the Iraqi Council of Representatives and the party's ministerial team in the federal government, acknowledging their dedicated roles.