Shafaq News / The media office of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani disclosed the agenda of a meeting held on Sunday for leaders of the Coordination Framework (CF), convened in the presence of Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani.

"Al-Sudani convened a session for CF leaders, with the participation of Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani on Saturday," as per the statement.

The meeting delved into various national issues, general circumstances, the progression of government program implementation, and the strides in bolstering collaborative efforts between Baghdad and Erbil. Moreover, discussions encompassed finalizing arrangements to address all shared administrative and technical matters.

Al-Sudani stressed the government's commitment to "fostering a constructive and productive partnership, which positively impacts service delivery to all Iraqis."

Additionally, he emphasized, "advancing comprehensive development, realizing government program objectives to meet citizens' aspirations, and fortifying achieved security and stability."

According to the statement, attendees commended the advancements made in resolving common issues between the federal government and the Region. These efforts translate into sustained livelihoods and economic stability for the Region's citizens. Furthermore, attendees voiced support for government initiatives in infrastructure development, economic reform, and ensuring the preservation of public funds.

On Saturday, the State Administration Coalition (SAC) convened a meeting to review overall developments on internal, regional, and international fronts, in the presence of Nechirvan Barzani.

Established following Muqtada Al-Sadr's withdrawal from politics, SAC comprises Shiite, Kurdish, and Sunni forces. According to SAC's statement, "discussions at the meeting centered on political, security, and economic situations, alongside deliberations on common matters with the Kurdistan Region presidency and strategies for addressing them in alignment with the constitution."

The meeting reiterated the "commitment to the political agreement underpinning the government's formation."

President Barzani reiterated the Region's "earnest desire to resolve disputes with Baghdad under the constitution."

These developments unfolded within the framework of President Barzani's visit to Baghdad, where he participated in both CF and SAC meetings on Saturday night, extending into the late hours, as per a statement from the Region's presidency on Sunday.

During the CF meeting, President Barzani emphasized the "significance of coordination among Iraqi political parties, collective efforts, and the imperative to safeguard the constitution and federal system."

He stressed the necessity of "a shared understanding to navigate the country's future."

Addressing the relations between Erbil and Baghdad and the existing challenges, Nechirvan Barzani stressed the Region's "commitment to seeking solutions through constitutional dialogue." He advocated for "establishing a mechanism for regular meetings between relevant parties from both sides."