Shafaq News/ Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid stressed the need for cooperation between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to solve the outstanding issues.

During a press conference on Monday, President Rashid noted positive developments regarding salary issues and expressed optimism about enhancing relations between the Kurdistan Region and Baghdad.

"We are hopeful for further improvement in relations and for collaborative efforts between Baghdad and the Region to address past challenges," President Rashid stated.

Regarding the upcoming parliamentary elections in the Kurdistan Region, President Rashid affirmed that they must proceed as planned.

The Iraqi president received the Kurdish President, Nechirvan Barzani, on Sunday.

"Both leaders highlighted the importance of safeguarding the rights and financial entitlements of the Kurdistan Region and its employees while steering clear of political obstacles. Additionally, they underscored the necessity of cooperation and coordination among political parties to uphold peace and stability in the country." A statement by the Kurdish Presidency said.

President Nechirvan Barzani emphasized that the understanding and agreement reached between Erbil and Baghdad on the salary issue will positively impact the development of relations between the two sides.

Days before President Barzani visited Baghdad, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Iraqi federal government announced a breakthrough by reaching an agreement on a longstanding dispute regarding public sector salaries in the Kurdistan Region.