Shafaq News / During a panel discussion at the Peace and Security Forum in the Middle East in Duhok governorate, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Masrour Barzani criticized the timing of the removal of Iraqi Parliament Speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi, calling it "inappropriate."

Barzani declined to comment directly on the Federal Court's ruling but stressed the urgent need to keep Iraq distant from the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Barzani expressed concern over the plight of civilians affected by the Gaza conflicts, condemning attacks on innocent civilians. He emphasized the effectiveness of peaceful solutions in the Middle East and lamented the prolonged conflicts arising from a lack of mutual acceptance.

While acknowledging the numerous challenges in the region, Barzani highlighted the imperative of ending the Israel-Hamas conflict and urged Iraq to steer clear of entanglement in this conflict. He emphasized ongoing efforts to send humanitarian aid to Gaza, expressing regret over the lack of response from the controlling authorities in that area.

Regarding the removal of Mohammed al-Halbousi from the parliamentary speakership, Barzani refrained from direct commentary on the Federal Court's decision, stating, "The timing was, in my view, inappropriate. I refrain from discussing the court's ruling, as our region is already grappling with multiple crises, and escalating conflicts are the last thing we need."

Barzani stressed adherence to the Iraqi constitution for decision-making and urged the Parliament to act within its framework. He reiterated the need to avoid further turmoil in Iraq, emphasizing the potential risks to diplomatic missions and foreign interests amid escalating tensions.