Shafaq News / The deputy commissioner of Fallujah, Muayad al-Dulaimi, confirmed today, that the local government in al-Anbar is moving towards ending the file of the displaced and closing the camps.

Al-Dulaimi told Shafaq News Agency that a meeting that included a number of local officials and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) was held a few days ago, in which they discussed addressing the problems that hinder the process of closing the file of the displaced.

Al-Dulaimi pointed out, "The majority of the families who fled to the regions of the Kurdistan Region have returned to the governorate, thanks to the cooperation and interest of the regional government in this file."

"The majority of families who are still displaced outside the governorate are residents of western al-Anbar regions, and this is one of the reasons that have generated many problems, such as the lack of health and educational personnel", he added.

Al-Dulaimi pointed out, "The security services have shown their willingness to cooperate with the local government to end the file of the displaced and close the camps, but the matter depends on some sheikhs and tribal leaders, as they refuse to return the families of those who joined ISIS."

"The local government is studying the possibility of providing housing for families whose homes were destroyed during the war against ISIS, until the compensation amounts that were included in the budget this year are disbursed", he concluded.