Shafaq News / A delegation from Erbil is set to visit Saudi Arabia today, Tuesday, to discuss several key issues, most notably water scarcity.

In a statement, the Governorate announced that "the delegation, headed by Governor Omid Khoshnaw, along with the General Director of Water in the Kurdistan Region and the Director General of Water in Erbil, in addition to a number of investors and businessmen, will be visiting Saudi Arabia."

The statement added that "the visit aims to explore opportunities for enhancing trade and investment, as well as finding solutions to the water scarcity problem in Erbil and benefiting from Saudi Arabia's expertise in this field. The delegation will hold meetings with the Saudi Minister of Commerce, Minister of Investment, and the Riyadh Governor, along with several representatives from Saudi companies."

It is worth noting that Erbil has been grappling with water scarcity, which has become increasingly apparent during the past decade, particularly during the summer season. The Kurdistan Regional Government and the local provincial administration are diligently combating this scarcity by constructing dams, reservoirs, and drilling new wells, all while racing against time to mitigate the impact of water shortages amid the worsening climate change and population growth.