Poor services and lack of security force the Yazidis to leave Sinjar again 2021-07-31T13:53:42.000000Z
Security personnel in Sinjar participate in a donation campaign for the Sharya camp families 2021-06-05T10:58:22.000000Z
Kurdish fighters storm an Iraqi intelligence headquarters and arrest an officer 2021-04-30T17:52:55.000000Z
Demonstrations in Sinjar against sentencing four Yazidis to Capital Penalty 2021-04-23T14:33:41.000000Z
More families are leaving Sinjar as the security situation deteriorates, an official reveals 2021-04-06T11:57:39.000000Z
Yazidi MP stresses the need to implement the Sinjar agreement according to the constitution 2021-03-26T11:32:15.000000Z
A high-ranking security delegation arrived in Sinjar after the Turkish escalation 2021-03-15T07:29:18.000000Z