Iran supreme court sentences three young men to death

Iran supreme court sentences three young men to death

Shafaq News/ Iran supreme court issued a verdict with death sentences against three young men for their participation in November 2019 protests that swept through Iran.

Spokesman Ghulam Hussein Ismaili said in a press conference broadcasted on the state television that the death sentence had been upheld in the Supreme Court, indicating that its application should take its legal course.


Ismaili described the three convicts as "riot leaders", noting that, "they were not arrested in the protests, but during an armed robbery of a woman". He said that, "the authorities found videos of them setting fire to banks, buses and public places, and they sent it to foreign media", adding that, " they confessed to their crimes".


Last November, Iran witnessed massive protests against the high prices of gasoline and the deterioration of economic conditions. The protests that lasted for a week quickly took a violent turn towards riots and sabotage of public property. While the authorities announced 230 deaths in the protests, Western reports stated that the actual number exceeds a thousand dead.

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