Turkish soldier killed by explosive device in Iraqi Kurdistan

Turkish soldier killed by explosive device in Iraqi Kurdistan

Shafaq News/ A Turkish soldier was killed when an improvised explosive device planted by PKK fighters exploded in the Operation Claw-Lock region, the country's Defense Ministry said Thursday.

The soldier, identified as Vedat Zorba, "was immediately taken to the hospital but unfortunately could not be saved despite all efforts and became a martyr. We extend our condolences and patience to his grieving family, the Turkish Armed Forces, and our noble nation for this incident that has deeply saddened us," the ministry statement read.

Defense Minister Yasar Guler also offered his condolences to Zorba's family and the Turkish nation.

"On behalf of myself and the members of the Ministry of National Defense, I wish Allah's mercy upon our heroic martyr, and I extend my condolences and patience to his grieving family and our noble nation," he said.

On April 17, 2022, the Turkish military launched Operation Claw-Lock against PKK strongholds in the Metina, Zap, and Avashin-Basyan regions of Iraqi Kurdistan.

In April 2022, Ankara commenced Operation Claw-Lock in northern Iraq, establishing several bases in Duhok Governorate.

The PKK is designated a terrorist organization by the United States and the European Union.

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