The world will suffer 'cataclysms and disasters' in 2021

The world will suffer 'cataclysms and disasters' in 2021
2020-12-25 12:11

Shafaq News/ 2020 was a year that turned the world on its head - but anyone hoping for respite in 2021 may have to think again, at least according to predictions made by blind Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga.

The supposed clairvoyant predicted that the world will suffer from 'a lot of cataclysms and great disasters' in 2021 as three 'giants' unite and a 'strong dragon' seizes humanity. She said according to Daily Mail.

'Difficult times will come,' the mystic is said to have predicted before her own death in 1996, adding that 'people will be divided by their faith'.

'We are witnessing devastating events that will change the fate and destiny of humanity,' she said.

Some have interpreted the 'dragon' to be China's increasing dominance in the world.

The 'Nostradamus of the Balkans' as the Newspaper called her, also predicted before her death that a cure for cancer would be found in 2021.

She said, 'The day will come when cancer will get tied with iron chains.'

Baba Vanga has become a cult figure among conspiracy theorists after some of her pronouncements proved eerily true.

However in recent years, many have doubted the legitimacy of her apparent prophecies which were not written down.

Her supposed predictions run until the year 5079 when she believes the world will come to an end.

The mystic has also claimed Donald Trump will suffer deafness and mortal illness in 2021 and Vladimir Putin will have to fend off an assassination attempt next year, while Europe is bracing for a chemical attack from Muslim extremists.

Baba Vanga's prophecies of doom also include an army of 'Muslim extremists' invading Europe with chemical weapons.

Followers of the blind fortune-teller have been citing the same prediction of Europe's downfall for years and no such disaster has come to pass.

Her claim that Europe would 'cease to exist by 2016' drew knowing nods when Britain voted to leave the EU in that year's referendum, rattling Brussels and sparking a bitter political fallout.

However, even the most ardent Remainer would not claim that the result has left 'empty spaces and wasteland, nearly devoid of any form of life', as Baba Vanga foresaw.

Her predicted 'great Muslim war' in Europe has also not materialized. 


An assassination attempt against Putin cannot be ruled out and a genuine plot to kill him was stopped in 2012. 

However, the Russian president surrounds himself with a highly-trained sniper squad whose only task is to keep him alive.

Putin should also be watching the skies for a giant meteorite which is due to hit Russia, according to Baba. 

Believers claim that Baba even foretold the 9/11 attacks in 2001, saying 'two steel birds' would attack 'American brethren'.

She said, 'Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.'


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