Senior US diplomat resigns over Biden Administration's Israel policy

Senior US diplomat resigns over Biden Administration's Israel policy

Shafaq News/ Andrew Miller, the deputy assistant secretary for Israeli-Palestinian affairs, resigned this week, marking a significant setback for US diplomats advocating for a tougher stance against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right coalition.

Miller, known for his skepticism of the Biden administration's full approach to Israel, informed colleagues on Friday of his decision to step down.

Citing family reasons, Miller expressed that the eight-month war in Gaza had become all-consuming, allowing him only limited time with his family. He mentioned that if not for these personal responsibilities, he would have preferred to continue in his role and advocate for his beliefs, even in areas where he disagreed with the administration's policies.

Miller's resignation, which has not been previously reported, comes amid growing frustration both within and outside the government over the war's high civilian death toll.

Concerns are mounting that a narrow group of President Biden's closest advisers are dominating influence over policy matters.

Miller is the most senior US official to resign over Israeli-Palestinian issues, highlighting the deep divisions within the US government regarding the appropriate response to the conflict.

The Israeli military war has resulted in the deaths of over 37,000 Palestinians, according to local health authorities, further exacerbating divisions among US officials.

At the outset of the conflict, President Biden fully backed Israel, providing weapons and diplomatic support at international forums. However, Israel's use of indiscriminate bombing tactics and the obstruction of humanitarian aid access have been points of contention.

Despite US support, Netanyahu has frequently disregarded American calls for a more targeted approach in Gaza and has continued to take actions that inflame tensions with Palestinians, such as withholding their tax revenue and using inflammatory rhetoric.

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