'Robots will never take over the world', World's most advanced robot reassures 

'Robots will never take over the world', World's most advanced robot reassures 

Shafaq News/ From The Terminator to I, Robot, many science fiction blockbusters feature robots taking over the world.

But a humanoid robot described as the 'world's most advanced', has reassured that this plot is unlikely to become a reality.

Ameca, a humanoid robot developed by Cornwall-based Engineered Arts, said: 'There's no need to worry, robots will never take over the world. We're here to help and serve humans, not replace them.'

The idea of lending your face to a robot may sound like the plot from an episode of Black Mirror, but it could soon become a reality.

Robot manufacturer Promobot is seeking a face for its next humanoid robot, which will be used in hotels, shopping malls and airports from 2023.

The firm is offering a whopping £150,000 ($200,000) to the brave volunteer, who must be willing to transfer the rights to use of their face forever.

Ameca is eerily-lifelike and can perform a range of facial expressions including winking, pursing its lips and scrunching its nose – just like a real person.

Now, Engineered Arts has posted a video to its YouTube channel, showing Ameca in conversation with researchers.

'This Ameca demo couples automated speech recognition with GPT 3 - a large language model that generates meaningful answers,' they wrote in the video's description.

'The output is fed to an online TTS service which generates the voice and visemes for lip sync timing.'

While you might think that Ameca's responses would be scripted, Engineered Arts explained that this isn't the case.

'Nothing in this video is pre scripted - the model is given a basic prompt describing Ameca, giving the robot a description of self – it's pure AI,' they wrote.

'The pauses are the time lag for processing the speech input, generating the answer and processing the text back into speech.'

In the video, the Engineered Arts team can be seen asking Ameca a range of questions.

When asked what humanoid robots are used for, the robot responded: 'There are many possible applications for humanoid robots.

(Daily Mail)

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