Israeli Knesset's anti-Palestinian state resolution spurs condemnation from Egypt and Jordan

Israeli Knesset's anti-Palestinian state resolution spurs condemnation from Egypt and Jordan

Shafaq News/ On Thursday, the Israeli Knesset voted overwhelmingly to pass a draft resolution rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state, prompting condemnation from Egypt and Jordan.

The draft resolution was co-sponsored by parties in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition, along with right-wing opposition parties, and also received support from Benny Gantz’s centrist National Unity party.

However, Lawmakers from Opposition Leader Yair Lapid’s center-left Yesh Atid party left the plenum to abstain from supporting the measure, despite his advocacy for a two-state solution. The resolution was opposed only by lawmakers from the Labor, Ra’am, and Hadash-Ta’al parties.

“The Knesset of Israel firmly opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state west of Jordan. The establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of the Land of Israel will pose an existential danger to the State of Israel and its citizens, perpetuate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and destabilize the region,” the resolution stated.

“It will only be a matter of a short time until Hamas takes over the Palestinian state and turns it into a radical Islamic terror base, working in coordination with the Iranian-led axis to eliminate the State of Israel,” it continued. “Promoting the idea of a Palestinian state at this time will be a reward for terrorism and will only encourage Hamas and its supporters to see this as a victory, thanks to the massacre of October 7, 2023, and a prelude to the takeover of jihadist Islam in the Middle East,” it added.

Gideon Sa’ar, head of the Official Right Party, commented on the resolution, stating that it "aims to express the comprehensive opposition that exists among the Israeli people to the establishment of a Palestinian state that would endanger Israel’s security and future." He further emphasized that "international pressures aimed at imposing a Palestinian state on Israel will not work."

The vote came as Netanyahu’s July 24 speech has sparked consternation among many Democrats “torn” between supporting Israel and criticizing its military operations in Gaza during the war with Hamas.

Egypt condemned the Israeli Knesset's resolution, calling it "a clear rejection of international legitimacy decisions and the peace process framework," urging international actors to “fulfill their responsibilities in protecting Palestinian rights, respecting Islamic and Christian sanctities, and halting Israeli violations.”

Furthermore, Jordan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs similarly emphasized that this decision constitutes "a new and serious violation of international law and a challenge to the international community."

Dr. Sufyan Qudah, the ministry’s official spokesperson, stated that "Israel's decisions and actions are invalid and do not change the reality of its occupation of Palestinian territories, nor do they alter the continued application of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, relative to the Protection of civilians in times of war in these territories, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Al-Quds."

So far, Israel has killed more than 38,000 Palestinians in Gaza, mostly women and Children, and injured about 87,000 others, according to the Hamas-run health ministry, with many more feared buried under rubble as much of the enclave has been destroyed and most of its 2.3 million residents displaced. The conflict has also led to widespread hunger and allegations of genocide, which Israel denies.

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