Israel Uncover Espionage Operation: Arrested Jew with Ties to Iran

Israel Uncover Espionage Operation: Arrested Jew with Ties to Iran

Shafaq News/ The Israeli Security Agency (Shin Bet/ Shabak) announced on Friday the apprehension of an individual of Jewish descent, residing in Iran and having relatives in Israel, suspected of engaging in espionage activities in collaboration with Iranian security forces.

According to the official statement released by Shin Bet, the man was detained upon his arrival at Ben Gurion Airport. Subsequent interrogations conducted by Shin Bet's investigators unveiled a web of espionage, wherein he confessed to undertaking missions on behalf of Iranian security officials. 

These operations encompassed the gathering of sensitive information and covert photography within Israeli territory.

The investigation further revealed that the detainee had engaged with Iranian security personnel before arriving in Israel. He received instructions and equipment to facilitate his covert tasks, including seemingly innocuous items like a box of tissues, ingeniously intended to conceal camera equipment, phones, portable chargers, and financial resources.

Sources suggest that these resources were discreetly provided him to orchestrate surreptitious espionage endeavors targeted at specific locations within Israel. His mission also entailed the collection of vital intelligence about predetermined addresses, which he was slated to acquire from an Iranian agent upon entry into the country.

Upon the conclusion of the investigation, the individual was deemed inadmissible to Israel and was subsequently deported on a return flight to Iran.

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