Iranian security cracks down on ISIS, arrests terrorist network

Iranian security cracks down on ISIS, arrests terrorist network

Shafaq News/ On Sunday, Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) announced it had dismantled an ISIS network and arrested several individuals planning terrorist attacks across the country.

Iranian Intelligence and Security Minister, Ismail Khatib, said, “Thanks to cooperation among security services, we are witnessing positive results in the northwest and southeast of the country.”

"In the early days of the government, we faced terrorist groups and sabotage against people and infrastructure. However, with God's help and through cooperation and planning, we dismantled the networks and arrested the perpetrators," he added.

In this context, Khatib further pointed out, "With the end of the Syrian war and ISIS activities there, remnants of the group were sent to our country. However, thanks to God's help, the capabilities of our forces and the Supreme Council for National Security, we have successfully arrested suicide bombers and dismantled terrorist groups. This collaboration has protected both people and property."

ISIS, a Sunni extremist group, has posed a significant threat to Iran due to its radical ideology and hostility towards Shia Muslims. Following its rise in Iraq and Syria, ISIS has targeted Iran with attacks, including the June 2017 assault on the Iranian parliament and the Mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini. In response, Iran has intensified security measures, conducted counter-terrorism operations, and supported allied forces in the region to combat ISIS and prevent further threats to its stability.

Iran has been a key player in combating ISIS, providing support to Iraqi forces and retaliating against attacks within Iran.

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