Iranian official cautions Gulf states against island seizure attempts

Iranian official cautions Gulf states against island seizure attempts

Shafaq News/ In a statement to international news agency "Tasnim," Brigadier General Abu al-Fadl Shakarji, the prominent Iranian military spokesperson, issued a stark warning to Gulf states on Sunday, admonishing them against any attempts to seize control of three islands within the Gulf waters. He also criticized US policy in the region, describing it as fostering "roadblocks" that enable interference in internal affairs through its hegemony.

Shakarji highlighted the current global landscape and the ongoing shifts in power dynamics, pointing out the collapse of the unipolar order and the ongoing formation of a new world order. "This unique global situation provides an opportunity for our system to establish its rightful place," he stated, while also accusing dominant powers, particularly the United States, of attempting to hinder the Islamic Republic from attaining its rightful standing.

Regarding the maritime military maneuvers conducted by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in the Gulf waters, Shakarji emphasized the importance of demonstrating Iran's military capabilities to deter any ambitions to seize the islands. "Those who covet the three islands must be aware of the strength of our arsenal to avoid making grave miscalculations," he asserted.

Furthermore, the military spokesperson conveyed a message through the maneuvers, urging regional nations to break free from foreign subjugation and collaborate to ensure security in the Gulf. "Trust in us, and we shall ensure the restoration of peace in these waters. Our maneuvers in the Gulf and the Sea of Oman primarily aim to strengthen security throughout the entire region," Shakarji added.

Additionally, he raised pertinent questions about its involvement and motives, and questioned the relevance of America's security concerns for the Gulf, the Sea of Oman, and the Indian Ocean, while asserting that regional countries have the capacity to ensure their own security. He accused America of creating a pretext to justify its presence by raising security concerns attributed to other nations, thereby deploying its forces in the region.

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