Iranian President's Assistant: we will not delay responding outside of Iran to any attack

Iranian President's Assistant: we will not delay responding outside of Iran to any attack

Shafaq News/ Iranian President's Assistant for Parliamentary Affairs Mohammad Hosseini accused the United States of being "hostile" to the Iranians.

In an interview with the Al-Mayadeen tv channel, Husseini spoke about the recent events in Iran, saying, "We arrested the tools that committed crimes, and we will not delay in responding outside of Iran, as we did in the Kurdistan region."

"The events we are witnessing will not be the last, as the US has been hostile to our people for 70 years." He added.

The top Iranian official pointed media outlets are involved in escalating the situation in Iran, "There are media channels, including Iran International and BBC Persian, that have attacked our people on a large scale. Therefore, we must strengthen our media channels to publish the truth and expose the satanic methods of the arrogant media."

Hosseini revealed that Iran has "underground cities of missiles and weapons." Warning Israel of any step, "Israel is not more potent than the United States, which we taught it a lesson."

"We bombarded Ain al-Assad base (in Iraq) with missiles after the assassination of the martyr (IRCG commander, Qassem) Soleimani, and they (the Americans) could not respond."

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