Iranian Foreign Minister leaves open possibility of preemptive action against Israel

Iranian Foreign Minister leaves open possibility of preemptive action against Israel

Shafaq News/ Iranian Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian declared on Monday that any preemptive action by the "axis of resistance" or Iran against Israel in the coming hours is possible.

In an interview with the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), he emphasized that while political solutions remain a preference for regional leaders, continued Israeli war crimes and attacks against civilians in Gaza may necessitate immediate action.

Amir-Abdollahian stated, "Resistance leaders and political officials in the region have highlighted the importance of exploring peaceful solutions to bring peace to the region. However, if the Israeli regime persists in its war crimes, particularly killing innocent children in Gaza, the possibility of opening new fronts against the Zionist regime is inevitable."

He discussed his talks with foreign ministers from Islamic countries and the region, indicating growing consensus regarding the need for decisive action. While diplomatic avenues are being explored, the Iranian Foreign Minister underscored that the situation is volatile, leaving the possibility of military intervention on the table.

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