Iran won't extend the deadline agreed with Iraq to disarm anti-Tehran groups in Kurdistan: Minister

Iran won't extend the deadline agreed with Iraq to disarm anti-Tehran groups in Kurdistan: Minister

Shafaq News/ Iran will not extend the deadline of the agreement signed with Iraq to disarm anti-Tehran Kurdish groups in the Kurdistan region, Defense Minister Brigadier Mohammad Reza Ashtiani said on Sunday.

The stipulated timeframe will not experience any extension and the terms of the agreement should be executed at the designated time, said Brigadier Ashtiani during a press briefing.

The defense official indicated that a part of the agreement had been met by Iraq and noted, "We will base our decision on the evaluation of the recent actions."

Earlier this month, the Deputy Chief of Operations in Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Brigadier Abbas Nilforoushan said that September 19 stands as the conclusive date for Iraq to fulfill its commitments to disarm the groups, reiterating Iran's readiness to "defend the interests of the Iranian people" if necessary.

On September 13, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian acknowledged Iraq's adherence to the established security agreement, which demands the removal of anti-Tehran Kurdish entities from the shared border territories.

This series of discussions follows earlier actions by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, which had targeted presumed threats to Iranian security in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

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