Cairo Peace Summit seeks peace roadmap for Palestine

Cairo Peace Summit seeks peace roadmap for Palestine

Shafaq News / At the ongoing "Cairo Peace Summit", Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi affirmed a commitment to achieving consensus on a roadmap to rekindle the path to peace in Palestine. Meanwhile, Jordan's King Abdullah II characterized the relentless bombing campaign in Gaza as a "war crime" and stressed that Palestinian lives are equally valuable as Israeli lives.

During the summit's opening session, President al-Sisi called for "international protection for the Palestinian people and innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip," in light of the two-week-long Israeli airstrikes on the region. He stressed that "the entire world is watching our stance today" and expressed Egypt's condemnation and astonishment at the global community's observation of the suffering of 2.5 million Palestinians in Gaza.

King Abdullah II, on the other hand, stated, "The blockade of Gaza and the killing and starvation of its residents occur in the face of international silence. It is high time to cease the fighting, protect civilians, and ensure sustainable aid delivery."

He further asserted that "the displacement of Gaza's population constitutes a war crime and is a red line for us. Bloodshed is the price of failing to achieve peace between Palestinians and Israelis." King Abdullah II emphasized, "We are angered by acts of violence targeting civilians in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel."

Continuing, the Jordanian monarch urged Israeli leaders to recognize that military solutions are futile and that extremism begets more extremism and violence. He affirmed that "the only path to a secure future in the Middle East begins with the belief that all people's lives are of equal importance and working according to the two-state principle."

King Abdullah II concluded with a message to the Israelis, stating, "Our message to the Israelis is that we desire peace and security for both you and the Palestinians."

The Cairo Peace Summit 2023, held in Egypt and attended by Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al Sudani, commenced earlier on Saturday

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