Ahmadinejad praises Shah's efforts, criticizes continued hostility with US

Ahmadinejad praises Shah's efforts, criticizes continued hostility with US

Shafaq News / Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in his first interview since being barred from the upcoming presidential elections, commended the efforts of the late Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in improving the welfare of the Iranian people.

Speaking to the Iranian news agency "Breaking News," Ahmadinejad acknowledged the significant work done before the revolution, stating, "There was a lot of work before the revolution... they were also looking to curb inflation and increase welfare."

Ahmadinejad, whose candidacy was rejected by the Guardian Council, questioned the prolonged animosity towards the United States, asking, "How long do we want to be at odds with the US?"

He criticized the occupation of the US embassy in Tehran at the onset of the revolution, suggesting that issues with the United States could have been resolved had it not been for the embassy takeover.

Despite his controversial tenure marked by fierce rhetoric against other officials, Ahmadinejad highlighted economic challenges, noting that his successor Hassan Rouhani described inheriting an "empty treasury."

Ahmadinejad pointed out that liquidity had increased sevenfold during his presidency, with significant borrowing from the central bank for housing projects.

The upcoming presidential elections feature six candidates, primarily from the hardline conservative faction, including former IRGC members Saeed Jalili and current parliament speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf.

The Iranian Interior Ministry has confirmed the final list of candidates, highlighting the heavy influence of the conservative establishment in the race.

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