U.S. provides 5,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine to the Kurdistan region

U.S. provides 5,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine to the Kurdistan region
2021-08-11 08:23

Shafaq News/ Washington sent today medical aid to the Kurdistan region, in order to help it confront COVID-19 pandemic.

During a ceremony held in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Matthew Tueller, said in a press conference that this aid is part of the support provided by the U.S. to Iraq and Kurdistan.

He pointed out that Washington had sent 500,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine to Iraq, and this was agreed upon within the Iraqi-American strategic dialogue, in addition to providing training to the healthcare staff in Iraq.

The U.S. aid included PCR kits and vaccines, and was handed over to the customs departments at the border crossings of the Kurdistan Region.

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