Turkish helicopters bomb PKK positions in northern Duhok

Turkish helicopters bomb PKK positions in northern Duhok

Shafaq News / A military source reported, on Friday, that Turkish helicopters heavily bombed positions belonging to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) last night in Mount Matin in northern Duhok governorate.

The source informed Shafaq News Agency that the bombardment targeted areas around several villages in the governorate.

According to the source, three military helicopters participated in the attack. However, the source did not disclose any information regarding the casualties or damage resulting from the airstrikes.

The four-decade-long PKK conflict has been a persistent challenge, with Ankara frequently expressing disappointment over the Iraqi government's historical reluctance to recognize and ban the PKK as a terrorist organization.

However, recent developments indicate a shift in Iraq's position. Following high-level discussions between Turkish and Iraqi officials, Iraq has officially designated the PKK as a "banned organization." This move aligns with Turkiye’s concerns and opens the door for enhanced cooperation in combating terrorism.

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