Turkish forces, PKK clash in northern Duhok

Turkish forces, PKK clash in northern Duhok

Shafaq News/ Residents of Koherzi village, located in al-Amadiyah district north of Duhok, reported fierce clashes on Monday between Turkish forces and PKK fighters in the Matin Mountain range overlooking the village.

Witnesses told Shafaq News Agency that the Turkish army deployed attack helicopters, alongside heavy and light weapons, in their confrontation with PKK elements.

These clashes are part of the ongoing escalation between Turkish forces and the PKK, exacerbating the hardships faced by residents and threatening their properties with destruction and displacement.

The conflict between Turkiye and the PKK dates back to the early 1980s when the PKK, founded by Abdullah Öcalan, began advocating for an independent Kurdish state within Turkiye.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the conflict intensified, with the PKK engaging in guerrilla warfare and the Turkish military conducting large-scale operations against PKK bases, particularly in southeastern Turkiye and northern Iraq.

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