Minister Says Erbil has Fulfilled its Obligations Towards Baghdad, Waits for its Move

Minister Says Erbil has Fulfilled its Obligations Towards Baghdad, Waits for its Move

Shafaq News/ Kurdistan's Minister of Finance and Economy, Awat Sheikh Janab, on Sunday said that the semi-autonomous region has fulfilled all of Baghdad's demands, holding the federal government liable for any future delay in salaries disbursement.

"From now on, ask the Iraqi Ministry of Finance about the monthly salaries for employees and workers in the region's public sector," he said during a press conference on the sidelines of his visit to the Parwezkhan international border crossing with Iran.

The Minister said the demands of the Iraqi government have been executed by the regional government, and there are no longer any justifications for delays from Baghdad against us.

"We are very transparent in fulfilling Baghdad's demands, and we hope that it will lift the blockade that it has imposed on the region since 2013," Sheikh Janab said.

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