Kurdistan Parliament to hold a regular session next Tuesday

Kurdistan Parliament to hold a regular session next Tuesday
2020-09-13 15:12

Shafaq News / The Presidency of Kurdistan Regional Parliament announced, on Sunday, the work program for the fifth session of the fall, which will be held next Tuesday.

According to a statement of Parliament received by Shafaq News agency, "based on the provisions of Article 5, paragraphs (first, second, and third) of Article (16) and Paragraph (Third) of Article (18) and paragraphs (First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth) of Article (20) and Articles ( 47, 48, 52, 54, 55, 56, and 57) of the bylaws of the Parliament of Kurdistan-Iraq, the Presidency of the Parliament decided that the program of work for the regular session No. (5) for the fall of the second year of the fifth session of the fifth electoral cycle, as follows:

The first paragraph of the work program according to the Parliament's statement included the continuation of the second reading of the draft law (the placement of employees in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq) in accordance with the provisions of Articles (87, 88, 89) of the internal system of Kurdistan Parliament.

The second paragraph of the program included voting on a proposed law (rights and duties of patients in Kurdistan Region), in accordance with the provisions of Articles (90, 91, 93, 96, 97) of the internal system of the Kurdistan Parliament.

The Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament called on all members to attend the fifth session, according to a circular viewed by Shafaq News Agency, addressed to all members of Parliament.

The circular invited, according to the provisions of paragraph (third) of Article (18) of the bylaws of the Parliament of Kurdistan - Iraq, it was all MPs to the fifth regular session of the fall semester of the second year of the fifth electoral cycle of Kurdistan - Iraq Parliament at 2:00 pm of Tuesday 9/15/2020.

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