Kurdish PM, Iranian Acting FM emphasize strengthening economic ties

Kurdish PM, Iranian Acting FM emphasize strengthening economic ties

Shafaq News / The Kurdistan Region’s Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and Iranian Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani emphasized the importance of bolstering economic and trade relations between Iran and Iraq, including the Kurdistan region, stressing the necessity of ensuring security and stability in the region.

The statements were made during a joint press conference following a meeting held in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region, on Friday, shortly after Bagheri's arrival.

PM Barzani stated that the discussions focused on enhancing bilateral relations, particularly improving economic ties between Iran and Iraq, with a specific focus on the Region, and supporting political stability in the region.

"We also discussed the security challenges and obstacles in the region," Barzani said. "We agreed that regional stability is in the interest of all countries in the region."

For his part, Bagheri Kani highlighted the significance of his visit to the Kurdistan Region, noting that it provided an opportunity for meetings with key figures in the area.

"Our relationship with the Kurdistan region is brotherly, with deep historical, religious, and cultural roots, and we share a common future," Bagheri Kani said.

He noted that adversaries do not wish to see stability and security in Iran, Iraq, or the region at large. "However, the awareness of senior officials in Iran and Iraq, especially our dear friends in the Kurdistan Region, will prevent our enemies from achieving their goals," he added.

Bagheri Kani reiterated Iran's commitment to strengthening bilateral relations with Iraq, including the Kurdistan region, particularly in the economic sector. "We aspire to enhance these relations in a way that benefits both countries," he said.

The Iranian official also praised the warm reception of Iranian pilgrims by the Region’s authorities, especially those visiting holy sites during the month of Muharram and the Arbaeen pilgrimage in Karbala.

Addressing the situation in the region, Bagheri Kani condemned the ongoing violence against Palestinians by Israel in Gaza, calling it a primary concern for the Islamic world. "We are striving to halt the genocide in Gaza," he concluded.

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