KRG: committed to addressing issues related to the Freedom of the Media

KRG: committed to addressing issues related to the Freedom of the Media
2021-05-18 13:07

Shafaq News/ The office of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Coordinator for International Advocacy issued on Tuesday a statement in response to international reports on the Freedom of the Media in the Region, stressing that KRG is committed to the principles of Democracy. 

 In a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, the office said, "The Kurdistan Regional Government is working with the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on Freedom of the Media -whether in broader politics or individual cases- and it remains committed to this relation."

The statement added, "free media is an essential element in any well-functioning democracy," stressing, "the Kurdistan Region has a free and vibrant media. It is a regional model for Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media."

"The Kurdistan Regional Government is committed to addressing Media Freedom concerns, and it is committed to working with relevant international partners, including United Nations agencies, to further improve the protection of the media."

The Coordinator's office reiterated "the clear distinction between the competence of the court and the competence of the government," explaining, "the Kurdistan Regional Government respects the independence of the judiciary. It is committed to a coherent system of checks and balances and cannot interfere in the judicial process."

"The Kurdistan Regional Government is fully abiding to the rule of law, fair and impartial legal procedures, and Freedom of the Media. It is currently working with the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to ensure that Kurdistan fully fulfills its international obligations in human rights and follows international best practices in the field of human rights, especially Freedom of the Media."

 He continued, "At the same time, concerning the Kurdistan Regional Government separately, it affirms that it remains dedicated to unifying and representing democratic values ​​related to good governance, Freedom of Expression, institutional integrity, and empowering women and youth, among others."

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