KDP calls for formation of impartial investigation committee and trial of Kirkuk protesters' killers

KDP calls for formation of impartial investigation committee and trial of Kirkuk protesters' killers

Shafaq News / The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) called for the formation of an impartial committee to investigate the reasons behind certain parties' refusal to allow the KDP's return to Kirkuk, leading to recent events. They emphasized the importance of prosecuting instigators and those who targeted Kurdish protesters in the governorate.

In a statement following a political bureau meeting, the party declared, "The decision to hand over the KDP's headquarters in Kirkuk by the federal government, per the constitution and the agreement of the State Administration Coalition and the government program, was blocked by influential individuals in Kirkuk, who incited a group of rioters to prevent the implementation of this decision. They blocked the road without being stopped by security officials."

"However, when a group of Kurdish citizens in Kirkuk demanded the road to be reopened, a group of armed individuals, operating under the umbrella of security forces, opened fire on them, resulting in casualties and injuries. The identity of those who closed the road has not yet been revealed."

The political bureau called for "the formation of an impartial committee, including representatives from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the federal government, to investigate the issue. It stressed the need to identify the reasons behind obstructing the implementation of the Prime Minister's decision and to bring instigators to justice, as some of them are parliament members and officials in Kirkuk administration."

They also highlighted the importance of "bringing those who issued orders to open fire and those who fired the shots to court, as well as compensating the victims and the injured based on the findings of these investigations."

Regarding the relationship between the Kurdistan Region (KRI) and the federal government, the political bureau stated, "Since the formation of the government nine months ago, the provisions related to KRI have not been implemented, as they have been consistently blocked."

The statement clarified, "Concerning the budget law, a draft budget law was prepared in agreement with KRG, specifying the allocations. However, this draft was altered in the parliament to the detriment of KRI, and it is not being implemented as stated in the law. This is a significant injustice to the Region's employees and citizens in particular."

The political bureau highlighted the prevention of the handover of the headquarters of the KDP in Kirkuk. They urged the federal government to "base decisions on balance, consensus, and partnership, with the essential inclusion of political components in crucial determinations."

Furthermore, they called for the implementation of the federal council law under the constitution and the agreement of the State Administration Coalition, as legislated by the parliament. They stressed the need to expedite the preparation of the oil and gas law based on the mutual agreement between the regional and federal governments while discontinuing the use of the old law.

The political bureau emphasized the "non-politicization of the issue of the salaries of regional employees and separating it from other problems, advocating for salaries to be disbursed to them on par with other Iraqi employees."

Additionally, they urged the modification of the Supreme Federal Court law in line with constitutional provisions and its enforcement. They emphasized the swift implementation of the Sinjar Agreement, as agreed upon by the regional and federal governments.

The political bureau emphasized, "The headquarters of the KDP and other parties in Kirkuk should be returned, allowing all parties to exercise their political activities freely."

In conclusion, the political bureau stated, "Iraq and the region are facing a sensitive situation, with accumulating crises. In reality, one crisis is being created to overshadow another. It can be frankly stated that crises in this country are not being resolved but rather managed. Kurdistan Region is also experiencing a situation similar to Iraq and the region, which requires solidarity to protect the Kurdistan Region's entity and the achievements of our people."

In recent days, Kirkuk has witnessed an escalation of events stemming from a decision by the federal government to vacate the headquarters of the Joint Operations Command in the governorate and hand it over to the KDP. This decision has led to protests from Arab and Turkmen parties, resulting in the closure of the road connecting Kirkuk and Erbil.

Subsequently, Kurdish citizens in Kirkuk staged a protest demanding the reopening of the road, and these events escalated into gunfire, resulting in casualties and injuries among the Kurdish population.

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