Iraq, Kurdistan’s presidents discuss bilateral relations, regional stability

Iraq, Kurdistan’s presidents discuss bilateral relations, regional stability

Shafaq News / President of the Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Barzani discussed with Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid, on Saturday evening, the general situation in Iraq and the region, emphasizing maintaining security, stability, and continuing efforts to resolve issues between Erbil and Baghdad.

According to a statement issued by the Kurdistan Region Presidency, Rashid pledged to assist in strengthening relations between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and resolving issues. He also committed to “addressing the problems of farmers in the Region with the federal government.”

For his part, the President of the Kurdistan Region emphasized the importance of “efforts to maintain peace, stability, and overcome issues between Erbil and Baghdad.”

Nechirvan Barzani summarized his recent visit to Iran and the relations between Iraq and the Kurdistan Region with Iran, according to the statement.

The two sides also discussed Iraq's and the Kurdistan Region's relations with neighboring countries, the region, and the world.

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