Gas explosion kills four Sulaymaniyah

Gas explosion kills four Sulaymaniyah

Shafaq News/ A heating gas tank exploded in a residential complex in the Kurdistan region on Thursday, killing four people and injuring dozens.

The explosion in the city of Sulimaniyah destroyed three buildings and injured 20 people. An unknown number were trapped under the rubble, reports said.

"More than 20 people have been evacuated so far," the head of Sulaymaniyah's health directorate Sabah Hawrami told Shafaq News Agency.

Authorities said the explosion was caused by a liquid gas tank. Civil defense teams were combing through the rubble in search of survivors.

Sulaymaniyah governor, Haval Abu Bakr, said that a child was among the victims.

Masrour Barzani, prime minister of the semi-autonomous region in northern Iraq, ordered an investigation.

The President of the Kurdistan region, Nechirvan Barzani, tweeted, "our hearts with the families of the victims in al-Sulaymaniyah. We condole them and share their sorrow."

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