Families of Anfal Victims Reject Government and Political Participation in Commemoration Event

Families of Anfal Victims Reject Government and Political Participation in Commemoration Event

Shafaq News/ Families of Anfal victims in the Garmian administration have declared that no government or political organization will be allowed to participate in this year's commemoration of the Anfal tragedy.

The families have cited unmet demands as the reason for their decision, stating that they will not allow the authorities to make promises that cannot be fulfilled.

They have also called on all Anfal victim families to participate in the anniversary day, especially those who have boycotted the commemoration in previous years.

The families have clarified that they want the "voices of the Anfal victims to unite in rejecting the participation of any government or political official in the event."

In 2011, the Iraqi Supreme Criminal Court ruled the "Anfal" campaign a "crime against humanity and genocide."

It convicted Ali Hassan al-Majid, the former Iraqi regime's defense minister, for overseeing a chemical attack in Halabja in Sulaymaniyah Governorate. Al-Majid was executed on January 25, 2010.

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