Faili Kurds in Iranian camp suffer from 40 years

Faili Kurds in Iranian camp suffer from 40 years

Shafaq News/ Iraqi officials visited Iraqi refugees, most of them Faili Kurds, in a camp in Iran.

 The Iraqi Ministry of Migration and Displacement reported on Saturday, "The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Migration and Displacement, Karim Al-Nuri, had visited the Azna Camp in Lorestan (western Iran) and listened to the displaced problems and their suffering for forty years.

 The statement pointed out that "most of the displaced are of Faili Kurds who were deported by the former Iraqi regime in the early eighties of the last century. These people did not obtain Iranian citizenship despite the fact that they are living there for four decades, and some of them did not even grant the Iraqi citizenship or the Iraqi passport.”

 The statement added that Al-Nuri pledged to follow up their situation with the competent authorities.

 It is noteworthy that the previous regime headed by Saddam Hussein conducted thousands of young Faili Kurds to an unknown place, and their fate is still unknown, but News said that they died in detention or  buried alive in mass graves.

 On December 8, 2010, the Iraqi government issued a resolution pledging to remove the negative effects of targeting Faili Kurds, followed by a decision by the House of Representatives on August 1, 2010, considering the process of displacement and forced disappearance of Failis as a crime of genocide.

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