Erbil's historic Qaysariya Market: A century of heritage and tradition

Erbil's historic Qaysariya Market: A century of heritage and tradition

Shafaq News / The Qaysariya Market in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region (KRI), stands as the first market built in the city over a century ago, reflecting a commitment to the "heritage" of this market and the trades passed down through generations.

Located near the historic Citadel of Erbil, the market comprises sections for gold, household items, clothing, fabrics, groceries, and more. Many residents continue to visit for shopping, and a considerable number of tourists explore it daily as it remains open until the evening.

Sarbaz Bakr Saleh al-Attar, a descendant of one of the oldest families that opened shops in the market to sell clothes, stated, "The market's history dates back over a hundred years. My father opened shops here in 1956, engaged in free trade, and we, five siblings, are still working in this market."

He added, "Many shop owners continue their family legacy, inheriting their work from their fathers and grandfathers."

Furthermore, Mohammed al-Dabbagh, who inherited the clothing trade from his ancestors, expressed, "This market is the oldest in the region. My great-grandfather used to work here in the past, and we inherited it from him during the Ottoman Caliphate era. Moreover, the oldest workers in the market are from the Turkmen community."

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