Duhok residents throng to nature in post-Eid outing

Duhok residents throng to nature in post-Eid outing
2024-04-19 16:17

Shafaq News/ After a days-long hiatus, residents of Duhok flocked to the embrace of nature in droves on the first Friday following the Eid al-Fitr holiday, reveling in its enchanting beauty. The city exits witnessed a massive traffic jam as a result of the surge.

Hundreds of cars carrying families, friends, and relatives, laden with camping gear, food, fruits, grills, and meat and fish, spread out across the natural landscape, setting up carpets on the ground and breathing in the fresh air.

In this context, a source from the Duhok Traffic Directorate confirmed the "a comprehensive plan has been devised to facilitate traffic flow by deploying traffic teams and patrols."

Duhok resident Kazin Ali told Shafaq News agency, "Today is the first Friday after Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, so we went out with our families to enjoy nature and have a good time. We performed Kurdish dabke dances, played traditional games, and savored traditional foods."

Azad Jamil, on the other hand, said "this spring season has witnessed a dense growth of grass and trees due to the heavy rains, making the land appear completely green."

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