Duhok launches a fundraiser to relieve Erbil flood victims

Duhok launches a fundraiser to relieve Erbil flood victims
2021-12-19 15:35

Shafaq News/ The Govern of Duhok, Ali Tatar, on Sunday announced starting a fundraiser in the governorate to relieve the victims of the floods that slammed areas in the capital of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil.

In a press conference he held earlier today, Tatar said that the governorate dispatched hundreds of vehicles to help clean the streets and clear the havoc. Many companies suspended their work for three days for this purpose.

The Member of the Clerics Association in the Governorate, Mulla Zahid, urged the people of Duhok to participate in the fundraising campaign, recalling the aid the people of Erbil provided to the families forcibly displaced from Duhok during the Anfal operations.

Financial contributions will be received by a dedicated committee in the headquarters of Duhok Governorate, while the Directorate of Migration and Displacement will collect other donations that will be delivered to Erbil on Thursday.

At least twelve people have died and several have been injured after torrential rains caused severe flooding in Erbil.

Women and children were among those killed after the heavy overnight swept through a number of residential areas in the Region's capital.

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