Barzani renews support for Qaladiza on anniversary of bombing

Barzani renews support for Qaladiza on anniversary of bombing

Shafaq News / Kurdistan Region President, Nechirvan Barzani, recalled on Monday the bombing of the University of al-Sulaymaniyah and Qaladiza by the former regime in the 1970s, renewing his support for the people of those areas.

In a statement, Barzani said, "On the forty-ninth anniversary of the bombing of the University of Sulaymaniyah and the city of Qaladiza, we pay tribute to the martyrs and victims of that crime committed by the former Iraqi regime, and we bow in respect to their pure souls, and salute their proud families and relatives."

"The targeting of the University of al-Sulaymaniyah and the city of Qaladiza was another futile attempt by the regime to break the will of the people and the Kurdish liberation movement. However, the martyrdom of the students, professors, and civilians from Qaladiza added more enthusiasm and determination to the spirit of resistance among the people of Kurdistan, who continued their highest level of struggle and resistance for liberation," Barzani added.

"On this occasion, we renew our full support for the demands of the people of Qaladiza and Bashdar residents, and we emphasize the need to provide more services to this region from all aspects," he explained, noting that "Bashdar has always been one of the fortresses of Kurdistan's revolutions and uprisings, and it has provided many martyrs and great sacrifices for the sake of freedom."

Qaladiza city was subjected to aerial bombing by the former regime on April 24, 1974, and the city remained destroyed for nine years until the 1982 uprising due to the drawing of red lines in the area. After the Kurdistan people's uprising in 1991, the city was rebuilt anew.

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