A protest against the high burial costs

Shafaq News / The families of people deceased from the Coronavirus in Kirkuk governorate has protested on Tuesday to refuse to bury their relatives by the Ministry of Health, which demand a large amount of money for transportation and burial.
A number of families told Shafaq news agency that “they are protesting to express their desire to transport their relatives’ bodies by the Medical Directorate of Al Hashd al Shaabi as usual. After the issuance of the last unfair decision”.
They justified their refuse saying that al Hashd transports and bury for free, unlike the Ministry of Health, which collects one million dinars.
The protest took place in front of the forensic medicine department in Kirkuk.
"Our died relative are still at the hospital since last week ... Hospitals have nothing, not even doctors… without al Hashd died people would still there", citizen Imad Hamza told Shafaq news agency.
According to the families of the victims, the burials caused many problems, because of the disagreement over the places and times of burials. Families are often prevented from burying their relatives where they want, while the Ministry of Health allow it for a big cost.