A Kurdish citizen files a lawsuit against Kurdistan Parliament

A Kurdish citizen files a lawsuit against Kurdistan Parliament

Shafaq News / Dilshad Omar, a Kurdish citizen, filed a lawsuit in Al-Sulaymaniyah court against the Kurdistan Parliament regarding "the parliamentary blocs' failure to implement their work programs as they promised."

Omar said in a statement he made to reporters, "the lawsuit includes all parliamentary blocs, without exception, for their commitment in advance to implement their work programs in various agricultural, industrial and service fields", adding, "the nature of parliament's work is focused on legislating laws and monitoring the performance of the executive authority and not working in the media. Otherwise, what is the difference between parliamentarians and journalists if they only talk about negligence and corruption without actual action?"

Omar pointed out that the case he filed includes cases of non-separation between party work and power, and negligence to the internal issues in the region.

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