SLC: Nujaifi politicizes the parliament according to his interests and agendas

SLC: Nujaifi politicizes the parliament according to his interests and agendas
2013-01-19 09:06
according to his "interests and agendas", while criticized the attempt to speed up the enactment of the mandates of the three presidencies, considering that as a Letter directed from Nujaufi to the Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki.

Saadi called in an interview with "Shafaq News" Nujaifi to act as a parliament speaker and not like as some affiliated to a particular affiliation”.

Saadi pointed out that "what happened recently in the parliament of delaying some important laws relating to the demonstrators, focusing on the law defining the mandates of the three presidencies and presenting the first and the second reading in two days is a message from Nujaifi to Mailki”.

Nujaifi is facing waves of accusations and criticism by members of SLC led by Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki as a result of his positions toward the recent demonstrations taking place in a number of the country's provinces.

It is worth mentioning that thousands of Iraqis continue to demonstrate and sit-in in all of Anbar, Salahuddin and Mosul since three weeks ago, as a rejection of the policies of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, after they accused him of "marginalization" of Sunnis and the failure to meet their demands to release of detainees in prisons.

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