Shahristani committee: No final agreement between Baghdad and Erbil

Shahristani committee: No final agreement between Baghdad and Erbil

The head of KRG, Nechirvan Barzani has led a senior delegation from the region to visit Baghdad on Monday and held meetings with Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki and other senior officials in his government to discuss ways of finding solutions to the disputes between Baghdad and Erbil on files of budget , oil and Peshmarga , without reaching an agreement to end those files so far .
The member of the committee , Mohammad Qasim in an interview with " Shafaq News " , that " no agreement has been reached so far between Baghdad and Kurdistan and the dialogues are still underway including proposals submitted by the federal government that SOMO supervise on the export of oil , while calling for the Kurds to a joint committee ."
Mohammed said  that " dialogue and meetings are continuing and both parties still insist on a settlement of the dispute”.
The MPs statement is contrary to what was announced by Deputy Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister for Energy , Hussain al-Shahristani  on the approval of Kurdistan Regional Government to export oil through the state marketing company SOMO .
The issue of extraction , production and export of oil from Kurdistan region to Turkey by agreements between the two sides is considered of the main points of disagreement between Erbil and Baghdad , where Erbil insists on the constitutionality of its procedures while Baghdad reject to export oil without its consent and say that sold amounts must be deposit at SOMO .

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