Preparatory Committee of Anbar National Unity Conference to be held next Sunday

Preparatory Committee of Anbar National Unity Conference to be held next Sunday

, that it will held a conference in 15th of current month instead of 20th of the same month.

 The Committee had agreed yesterday to hold a conference on 20th of current month and to send delegations to various countries to invite opponents who want to participate in everything that may facilitate their attendance.

Al- Iraqiya semi-official satellite channel said in news seen by "Shafaq News", that “Preparatory Committee of the National Unity decided to hold a Conference next Sunday, 06/15/2014 instead of 20th of the same month.

The Preparatory Committee, which was attended by Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki and Deputy Minister of Defense , Saadoun al-Dulaimi met yesterday and decided to "forgive everyone except those who participated in the bloodshed of Iraqis."

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