Othman: If U.S. mediation fails, Tehran would intervene

Othman: If U.S. mediation fails, Tehran would intervene
, pointing out that if Washington failed to mediate between Erbil and Baghdad , Tehran would intervene .

While Sunday’s session will witness the second reading of the federal budget , local MPs from State of law coalition hinted that the budget would be passed in the presence of the Kurds or their absence .

Othman said in an interview with " Shafaq News " that " if a consensus took place between Erbil and Baghdad then the budget would be passed according to an agreement , and if it does not then the majority will pass it   then we agree among us ."

He added " So far there is nothing new , but we expect that there will be an agreement, because things are in progress , but an agreement did not take plce so far , and we hope to reach an agreement and raise the penalties in order to share and pass the budget discussions ."

According to Othman , " there was no international meditation between Erbil and Baghdad , America is only mediating between the two sides , which is the most party that contributed in the rapprochement between Erbil and Baghdad."

"If America does not succeed in its efforts , it is possible that Tehran would interfere, because its influence is stronger ."

The budget issue has sparked significant differences between the political forces represented in the parliament , and in particular between the State of Law coalition led by Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki and Kurdistan Alliance , which accuses Baghdad of taking the region's share of the budget and put condition to meet its demands to attend the sessions.

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