Nujaifi: National Alliance is most absent in the session

Nujaifi: National Alliance is most absent in the session

, which was held today , revealing that the Presidency didn’t agree on the inclusion of the budget bill in 2014 in the agenda.

Nujaifi said at a news conference in the parliament , attended by " Shafaq News " , that " We tried to hold sessions during February to read the budget law and include it in the agenda , but Kurds and Motahedoun bloc" united " hindered it.

He explained that "the Presidency didnot agree entirely on the budget bill , and specifically Mr. Aref Tayfur who didn’t agree to include it in the agenda," adding that “ the parliament’s rules of procedure force the complete approval of the Presidency before the inclusion of any law in the agenda. "

Nujaifi noted that " there are many absences by MPs as the 44 MPs of the National Alliance were absent , 25 MPs from al- Iraqiya List and 15 MPs from Kurdistan Alliance “.

He called on all absent MPs to return and attend the meetings to be held , pointing out that he has issued a decision to cancel all vacations except sick ones and critical situations .

Nujaifi called blocs that demand the passage of the budget by the attendance of all the members , stressing that the parliament does not accept to be accused of failing because it is serious in passing the budget , but the dispute between KRG and the federal government hindered voting on it”.

Nujaifi stressed that the current legislative session will continue until the adoption of the budget. "

The parliament‘s session, which was scheduled to be held on Saturday has been postponed for lack of a quorum .

The Kurds are boycotting sessions of the parliament since the budget crisis , as opposed to a paragraph relating to Kurdistan’s’ share and refuse to attend meetings to vote on it. While MPs of Motahedoun are still boycotting the attendance list because of military operations in Anbar .

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