Nujaifi: Converting districts to provinces is illegal

Nujaifi: Converting districts to provinces is illegal

The Iraqi Council of Ministers has agreed to convert Tal Afar, Tuz Khurmato districts to provinces has been welcomed by Turkmen and rejected by Kurds , as it also agreed to convert Nineveh Plain and Fallujah to two provinces .

Nujaifi said at a news conference attended by “Shafaq News “that,” converting districts to provinces is illegal and provoking this issue is not normal, particularly in the pre-election period”.

Nujaifi added that provinces law is not effective and that the amended law did not include a mechanism for converting districts to provinces.

In the case of the end of the formal proceedings , the districts will be provinces No. 20 and 21 , 22 and 23 in Iraq after the Iraqi government recently approved converting Halabja in Kurdistan Region to a province No. 19 .

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