New details revealed on al-Baghdadi operation

New details revealed on al-Baghdadi operation

Shafaq News/ In the past few days, the world's main focus was to know the details of killing ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a man who has terrorized thousands in Syria and Iraq for years, but after the grounds for Kayla Mueller Operation became available to everyone, U.S. President Donald Trump said earlier that he might publish videos and photos of a raid by U.S. special forces of killing al- Baghdadi. "We may take certain clips and publish them," he said as he left Washington for Chicago a few days ago.

Until the U.S. Central Command finally released photos of the operation, after it also released a video.

It is known that the alleged ISIS leader ,Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi hid in Barisha village in Idlib governorate in Syria.

The United States gathered a lot of information from various parties on the ground until it confirmed the presence of the head of the terrorist organization in that area, the most important of which was from the Iraqi intelligence and the Syrian Democratic Forces, which contributed to the formulation of the plan to kill the “alleged caliph”.

Al-Baghdadi chose an isolated residential complex in northern Syria, no more than four miles from the headquarters of the Kurdish forces.The process began when the American force attacked the place, and took over the protection of 11 children in the housing complex in which the leader of ISIS was hiding in , where they entrusted them to a third party.


The commander of Central Command, General Kenneth McKenzie, said the force tasked with killing ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi also killed five others who were a threat to the attacking American force.

He said the children killed by al-Baghdadi in his suicide bombing were note more than 12 years old.

He also noted that two women were killed with al-Baghdadi as they were wearing explosive belts.

No one is more honest about the operation than someone who saw it, where a shepherd living near the ISIS leader’s house explained the whole process.

The shepherd said that foreign forces, along with Arab soldiers, landed at 11:00 am and used the loudspeakers "Abu Mohammed Salama Salim Halak" and "Abu Mohammed" displaced from the city of Aleppo, had bought the house that was raided and settled in.

After the soldiers opened fire on the house and raided it, they took out the children and handed them over to the shepherd. They asked him to flee for a distance of one kilometer and told him that he can return to the tent where he lives near the house after hearing three powerful raids, and soldiers mean the raids that destroyed the place of the operation after its end.

The man pointed out that the soldiers gave the shepherd a light so that he would not be targeted by the flights, which was flying over the area.

Al-Baghdadi, after hearing calls for his surrender, according to U.S. Defense Secretary ,Mark Esper when he said that the U.S. special force asked al-Baghdadi to surrender but he refused then the caliph fled to a tunnel and ran to its end, crying, screaming and behind him were his children, after dogs were chasing him , then blew up his explosive belt and was killed.

The American commandos approached what was left of him after the bombing and found that his head was completely separated from his body and the rest were just pieces, the commandos carry what was available with them, and then transferred everything they found useful for investigations and intelligence from the house, in addition to a prisoner nickname Abu Mohammed and his son.

The detective who was at home with al-Baghdadi was also transferred with them, after he retaliated against al-Baghdadi, who killed a member of his family, intentionally approaching him sincerely, at the same time provided the Americans with everything that facilitated killing the most wanted man,   then hit the house where with missiles and was completely destroyed, they finished the story of the world's first terrorist by two hours at most.

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