Massoud Barzani meets with leader of Change Nushirwan Mustafa

Massoud Barzani meets with leader of Change Nushirwan Mustafa
An informed source in Erbil told “Shafaq News” , that “ Barzani - Nushirwan meeting will be held to discuss the formation of the new government of Kurdistan Region and a number of other issues” .

Kurdistan Democratic Party had reached understandings with the winning parties in the election to form a government with the exception of the   Patriotic Union of Kurdistan .

The agreed parties have continued in the implementation of agreements when Parliament of the region held a session and chose the Presidency board as the presidency of the parliament has been entrusted to Change movement and vice-president of the Democratic Party and the Secretariat of the Parliament to the Islamic Group.

The parliamentary elections were held in Kurdistan Region on 25 of last September as Kurdistan Democratic Party won 38 seats , Change got 24 seats and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan got 18 seats.

While Islamic Union came in the fourth rank with 10 seats , Islamic Group with 6 seats   and Islamist movement got one seat .

The winning parties have agreed in principle to form a government in which everyone participate in it but cabinet negotiations has lasted for about six months.

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