Maliki's coalition refuses any postponement of elections

Maliki's coalition refuses any postponement of elections

, even if granted Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki approval to fill the position for a third term .

It is scheduled to hold parliamentary elections in of next 30 April amid sharp political and security divisions as many hopes to contain the crisis .

Al-Shalah said at a news conference attended by " Shafaq News " , that " there have been calls , especially from Motahedoun bloc “United” to postpone the elections and we will not agree and do not seek to be postponed even if granted Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki a new term ."

Motahedoun bloc “United “ led by Parliament Speaker, Osama al-Nujaifi didn’t demand officially postponing the elections , but that the coalition, which enjoys the support of Sunni people is concerned about holding elections in Anbar province and other areas nearby with a Sunni majority .

Fierce fighting is taking place in Anbar since the invasion by armed militants on cities in the province as they extended their influence on large parts .

Al-Shalah said that " solving the crisis is going well in Anbar, especially in Ramadi city the federal government and the local government that is seeking to include Fallujah city in truce in order to ensure their participation in elections."

State of law coalition, led by Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki announced on Monday, boycotting sessions of the parliament until including the budget , while criticized the position of Motahedoun bloc and its president, Osama al-Nujaifi on the budget.

The head of the Coalition MP, Khalid al-Attiyah said in a press conference held in the parliament in the presence of State of Law MPs , attended by " Shafaq News " , that " since the federal government sent the budget for fiscal 2014 to the parliament and the Presidency is continuously object submitting it on the session’s agenda, "adding that" the refrain came under false and unacceptable pretexts so we will boycott the session. "

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