Maliki's coalition determines conditions for new alliances and identifies the excluded

Maliki's coalition determines conditions for new alliances and identifies the excluded
, and noted political parties to be excluded from its next political steps.

“State of law coalition is currently ahead of all the political blocs in election results , which make it able to have coalition with some national forces to form a government of political majority ,” the member of the coalition, Mohammed al-Sayhood told “Shafaq News “.

"We need to ally with the national forces that have participants with the state of law coalition that want stable and unified Iraq in which everyone is equal in rights and duties and having faith to peaceful principle and to agree with us in fight against terrorism represented by Daash and al-Qaeda”.

“State of law coalition will not ally with political blocs represented and represent the political front for the extremist organizations as Daash and al-Qaeda,” Sayhood added.

The political blocs are looking forward to the results of the elections at a time State of law led by al-Maliki seems confident of winning and forming the next government on the basis of the political majority.

The results that were published by the monitoring networks have pointed to the progress of Maliki's coalition in a number of provinces south of the country that are competing for the votes as well as the Supreme Council and the Sadrists movement .

But estimates suggest that any bloc cannot get a majority that allows it to form a government alone , which opens the door to future negotiations that may take long months as the previous government , which took seven months to be formed.

Maliki seek to fill the post of Prime Minister for the third time in a row at a time opposed base of Sunnis expanded even his opponents within the Shiite National Alliance .

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