Maliki in Anbar for the first time since the crisis

Maliki in Anbar for the first time since the crisis

This is considered the first visit of Maliki to Anbar since the outbreak of the fighting in months.

A local official told “Shafaq News”, that “ Maliki's visit come to be informed on the development of the province, as he will meet with officials”.

He added that the visit include Ramadi city, capital of Anbar province , pointing out that " it coincided with intense security measures where all means of communication were cut off in the province.

Al-Maliki , has submitted in his weekly speech on Wednesday , a plan for reconstruction and security to Anbar province after being cleared of armed groups , identifying three parties that would achieve it which are ; the federal government , the local government in the province and the people of the tribes who have contributed with the security forces in ending the presence of the armed groups , as he put it .

Anbar is experiencing since the beginning of last January , fierce battles between the Iraqi army and tribal forces supporting it on one hand and the armed organizations , including " Daash " along with some of the tribal fighters disaffected with the policies of Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki, on the other hand .

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